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Receiving a Unicorn

June 15, 2021


It looks like a backpack, but it’s a heck of a lot more.

A 3-Zip Unicorn handmade in Bozeman by MYSTERY RANCH

What you see here is a “unicorn” as dubbed by Dana Gleason and Renee Sippel-Baker, founders of MYSTERY RANCH BACKPACKS. This is a hand-built, Made in the USA, 3-Zip gem of an “everyday carry” backpack.

It was first built as a proto that was deemed over-featured, too complicated and too expensive to sell.

Well the proto floated on the shoulders of Co-founder Renee Sippel-Baker, and it became her favorite pack, ever. It became so coveted, so worthy, that it was decided, in honor of the company’s 20th anniversary in 2020, that 150 of these Bozeman Mothership wonders would be built and gifted. The Ranchers designing and sewing them were told that they were building a special run for their “most important customer.” What they built were 150 pretty incredible ‘thank you cards’ intended for people who’ve been significant in the development of MYSTERY RANCH. Blue Fire's Founder Erin Brosterhous received one of these special packages today for 6 years of partnership in PR and it’s one of the greatest gifts of her professional career.

A Long Strange Trip

Blue Fire has the great honor to work with this incredible brand as their PR and advertising strategists. What makes it special, what makes it really meaningful work, is the people; the Ranchers who make it what it is and what it will be in 20 more years.